9M3 Feed silo with offset taper

9M3 Feed silo in situation
9M3 Feed silo Top
9M3 Feed silo with offset taper

New large-capacity Monobloc feed silo


  • UV-resistant polyethylene feed tank
  • Tank with built-in reinforcements for increased resistance
  • Galvanised steel frame with reinforcements to ISO 14122-3 and 14122-4 standards
  • Option of attaching the feed silo lid and safety ladder in two different places of the farmer’s choice
  • 4 mounting feet, reinforced triangulation


  • Filler cap with built-in vent and manipulable from the ground
  • Offset guillotine trap
  • Safety ladder compliant with legislation


  • Pneumatic feeding
  • Extension for bulkhead union

Fastened onto concrete slab with welded mesh of 3000 x 3000 x 3000mm

IMPORTANT: Always observe the installation guidelines attached to the product.

Dimensions (overall)

Overall height 5168mm
Clearance beneath chute 1000mm
External diameter 2390mm
Capacity 5.00T

All dimensions and values are given as a guide only and are subject to change without notice. (Dimensions in mm).

Our others rotational moulded products

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